소프트웨어 개발/Computer Vision

Learning to Estimate 3D Hand Pose from Single RGB Images

Leo's notes 2020. 1. 21. 19:54


3D hand pose estimation from a single color image with a learning based formulation.


  • Use of multiple cameras limits the application domain
  • Depth cameras are not as commonly available and only work reliably in indoor environments


  • 21 joints in 3D space
  • Normalize the distance between certain pair of key-points to unit length (to solve scale ambiguity)
  • Translation invariant representation by subtracting location of defined root key-point


consist of three deep networks.

  • First network (HandSegNet) : hand segmentation
  • Second network (PoseNet) : hand keypoints localization
  • Third network (PosePrior) : 3d hand pose derivation


  • CNN based on Convolutional Pose Machines
  • create hand mask
  • simplifies the learning task for the PoseNet
  • crop and normalize the inputs in size


  • CNN based on Convolutional Pose Machines
  • predict joints score maps that contains likelihood that a certain keypoint is present at a spatial location
    • produce image feature representation
    • predict initial score map and successively refine in resolution

PosePrior Network

  • predict relative and normalized 3D coordinates on incomplete/noisy score maps
  • learn possible hand articulations and prior probabilities

  • combine two predictions to estimate relative normalized coordinates
    • estimate canonical coordinates from canonical frame Wc
    • estimate viewpoint from rotation matrix R


two available datasets to apply

  • Stereo Hand Pose Tracking Benchmark
    • 18000 stereo pairs
    • 2D and 3D annotations of 21 keypoints
    • 640 x 480 resolution
  • Dexter
    • 3129 color images, depth maps
    • annotations for fingertips and cuboid corners
    • 640 x 320 resolution

these are not sufficient because of,

  • limited variation
  • partially incomplete annotation

To avoid known problem of poor labeling performance by human annotators in 3D data,

complement stereo and dexter dataset with,

  • Mixamo : 3D models of humans with corresponding animations
  • Blender : open source software to render images

total 41258 training images and 2728 evaluation images with,

  • 21 key-points per hand : four of each finger (4x5), root(1)
  • 33 classes segmentation mask : three of each finger (3x10), palm (2), person (1)
  • 320 x 320 resolution
  • random location in spherical vicinity around hand
  • random background from 1231 images
  • random lighting (directional light and global illumination)
  • random light positions and intensities
  • random JPG compression quality (0~60%)
  • random specular reflection effect on the skin


*PCK : Percentage of Correct Keypoints


  • first learning based system to estimate 3d hand pose from a single image
  • contributed large synthetic dataset
  • performance mostly limited by lack of annotated large scale dataset with real world images and diverse pose statistics

